Andhra Pradesh Budget for Amaravati Capital City: ₹15,000 Crore Allocation

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andhra pradesh budget

Andhra Pradesh Budget 2024


The Amaravati Capital City project has been a subject of intense debate and policy shifts in Andhra Pradesh over the past several years. Launched as the dream capital for the newly bifurcated state after the separation of Telangana in 2014, Amaravati was envisioned as a world-class city, featuring advanced infrastructure, green spaces, and an international standard of living. However, political changes and shifting governmental priorities have kept the project in a state of flux.

In 2024, the Andhra Pradesh government has allocated 15,000 crore towards the development of Amaravati. This allocation comes as a response to widespread demands for continuing the city’s development and addressing long-pending commitments related to the infrastructure and economic growth of the capital. This article delves into the key elements of the Andhra Pradesh budget for Amaravati, the challenges faced, and the future prospects for the capital city project.

Amaravati Capital City: A Vision on Hold

Initial Vision

The Amaravati capital city project was initially proposed to be one of the most ambitious urban development projects in India. Following the bifurcation, it became necessary for Andhra Pradesh to establish a new capital city, and the then Chief Minister, N. Chandrababu Naidu, laid out a grand plan for Amaravati. It was to be a modern, eco-friendly city with high-rise buildings, smart infrastructure, and vast green spaces, positioned along the Krishna River.

The city was also to be a hub for governance, culture, education, and economic activity. The master plan envisaged the construction of an array of government buildings, private enterprise zones, academic institutions, and luxury residential complexes.

Political Shifts and Uncertainty

However, the project hit a stumbling block after the 2019 elections when a new government led by Chief Minister Y.S. Jagan Mohan Reddy came to power. This administration reviewed the Amaravati project, proposing a more decentralized model of governance by developing multiple capitals across the state, specifically focusing on Visakhapatnam as the administrative capital and Kurnool as the judicial capital.

This move led to delays and uncertainty, with investors and citizens in Amaravati worried about the future of the project. Despite court interventions and public protests from farmers and local stakeholders, the project remained in limbo.

The 15,000 Crore Budget Allocation: A New Beginning?

Major Highlights of the Budget

In the 2024 Andhra Pradesh budget, the government has allocated 15,000 crore specifically for Amaravati’s development. This budget allocation marks a significant shift in the state’s priorities, signalling a renewed commitment to the construction and completion of the capital city. The following are key highlights of the budget:

Infrastructure Development: A major portion of the allocated funds will be dedicated to reviving infrastructure projects that have been stalled. Roads, sewage systems, and water supply infrastructure will be completed, ensuring that the city is ready to accommodate residents and government operations.

Government Buildings: 5,000 crore has been earmarked for the completion of key government buildings, including the Legislative Assembly, Secretariat, and High Court.

Education and Health Infrastructure: Investment will be made in setting up educational institutions, healthcare facilities, and other public service units to cater to the city’s future residents.

Sustainability and Green Spaces: A part of the budget is also being dedicated to the development of green spaces and eco-friendly initiatives, continuing the original vision of Amaravati as a “green city.”

Private Investments: The government is actively working to encourage private investments, by incentivizing commercial establishments, industries, and housing projects within Amaravati to boost economic activity.

Focus Areas for Development

Roads and Transport: One of the major hindrances to Amaravati’s progress has been the lack of basic transport infrastructure. With 2,500 crore allocated to roadways and other public transport systems, the government aims to fast-track the completion of roads that connect Amaravati to key cities like Vijayawada and Guntur, while also improving internal transport within the city.

Public Services and Utilities: Another 3,000 crore has been dedicated to setting up essential public utilities such as water supply, electricity, and sewage management systems. This is essential for making Amaravati Capital City a livable city, and will also be crucial for attracting businesses and residents to settle in the area.

Public-Private Partnerships (PPP): In line with the focus on economic development, the Andhra Pradesh budget government is emphasizing the role of PPP models in Amaravati’s construction. By bringing in private players to build residential complexes, hospitals, and commercial zones, the government hopes to reduce the financial burden while ensuring that world-class infrastructure is developed.

Housing for Government Employees: Another significant chunk of the budget is dedicated to building residential complexes for government employees who are expected to relocate to Amaravati. Housing for civil servants, police personnel, and judicial officials has been prioritized to facilitate a smooth transition of the capital functions.

Challenges Facing Amaravati’s Development

Legal Hurdles

Despite the renewed budgetary focus, Amaravati’s development is not free from challenges. Legal disputes are still ongoing, with farmers who gave up their land for the capital city project demanding a clear commitment from the government. These farmers had been promised land compensation and development benefits in exchange for their agricultural plots, but with the delays, they have been left in limbo.

The Andhra Pradesh High Court had ruled in favour of continuing Amaravati capital city as the sole capital of the state, but the final resolution is still awaited as appeals and reviews continue. This legal uncertainty may slow down the allocation of the 15,000 crore and hinder progress in key areas.

Environmental Concerns

Amaravati’s location on the banks of the Krishna River raises environmental concerns, particularly in terms of flooding risks and ecological impact. While the original master plan aimed to minimize these risks by adopting sustainable development practices, delays in implementation have made the city more vulnerable. Adequate funds must be channelled towards flood management systems and environmental protections to safeguard the city’s future.

Financial Sustainability

The 15,000 crore allocation is a significant amount, but whether it will be enough to complete the ambitious plans for Amaravati remains to be seen. Many projects that had initially been envisioned will likely require additional financial resources, possibly in the form of future budgets or private investments. Ensuring the financial sustainability of the project is a long-term challenge that the government will need to address through effective fiscal planning.

Political Implications

The renewed focus on Amaravati in the state’s budget could have significant political implications, especially in the run-up to future elections. By allocating a substantial portion of funds to the capital project, the Jagan Mohan Reddy government seems to be addressing the concerns of pro-Amaravati Capital City stakeholders, including farmers, local investors, and opposition parties.

However, this move might also be seen as a balancing act to quell discontent from regions like Visakhapatnam, which were being groomed as potential capital alternatives. The political ramifications of this decision will become clearer as the 2024 elections approach.

Future Prospects of Amaravati Capital City

Economic Opportunities

If successfully implemented, Amaravati Capital City has the potential to become an economic powerhouse in Andhra Pradesh. The construction of IT hubs, manufacturing units, and educational institutions could drive growth and employment in the region. The strategic location between Vijayawada and Guntur also makes it a prime area for trade and commerce.

Investment Attraction

A well-developed Amaravati Capital City can attract both domestic and international investments. The government is actively promoting the region as a business-friendly destination with incentives for industries to set up operations in the city. This can help diversify Andhra Pradesh’s economy, which currently relies heavily on agriculture and traditional industries.

Social and Cultural Growth

Once completed, Amaravati Capital City could become a centre for cultural activities, education, and social services. By investing in world-class universities, museums, theatres, and public spaces, the government can foster a vibrant urban culture in the heart of Andhra Pradesh. Additionally, Amaravati’s development could reduce migration to other cities like Hyderabad and Bengaluru, as the city will offer ample opportunities for employment and a high standard of living.


The 15,000 crore allocation in the Andhra Pradesh budget for Amaravati Capital City represents a renewed push to transform the capital city into a functional and vibrant metropolis. While challenges remain in terms of legal hurdles, financial constraints, and environmental concerns, the new budget provides a significant opportunity to restart the development of Amaravati.

For Andhra Pradesh, Amaravati is not just a capital city; it is a symbol of its aspirations for the future. If handled correctly, the city has the potential to become a beacon of growth, modernity, and cultural dynamism for the state. The upcoming years will be crucial in determining whether Amaravati can fulfil its original promise and become the capital city that Andhra Pradesh deserves.

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